Santa Cruz Sentinel: Letters to the Editor
A sanctuary in Santa Cruz sounds nice!
- How about a sanctuary for children to be able to walk, scoot and play without fear?
- A sanctuary for families to live without daily theft and vandalism?
- A sanctuary for businesses to not be defecated upon, literally and figuratively?
- A sanctuary for tourists to enjoy the natural beauty of Santa Cruz without intimidation and violation?
This list needs to be taken to task first, for the betterment of all. In addition to trying to encourage the development of affordable housing the city needs to focus on increasing the community service policing of Santa Cruz. This means the enforcement of laws and basic dignity for residents and guests.
Santa Cruz looks and feels like Skid Row but it still has unmatched potential. The basic pillars of the community need support: families, businesses, students, visitors, and public service agencies. A rising tide lifts all boats.
— Peter Glynn, Santa Cruz