Take Back Santa Cruz is teaming up with SCPD today. Here is the idea: SCPD CRIME MAPS DAY
Here are the 3 maps.
PredPol Map Auto Theft 8-14-13 (Someone steals a car)
Vehicle Burglary 8-14-13 (Someone steals what’s in the car)
This is from Dept. Chief Steve Clark:
“On Wednesday August 14th, we are teaming with all of the other agencies using PredPol, for our first International PredPol Day of Action or “All Out PredPol”.
The plan is to get as much positive and healthy activity and presence in each of the PredPol zones.To accomplish this, we are teaming with our public safety partners and community groups to activate these areas.
On Wednesday morning, we will run the PredPol maps for the day in each of the targeted crime categories.Those maps will be distributed to our public safety partners and neighborhood groups through Santa Cruz Neighbors and Take Back Santa Cruz.Our goal is to maximize presence in and around these areas and have a positive impact on crime and the overall quality of life.We won’t know the locations until that morning when PredPol runs the reports for that day.
We’re asking our neighborhood groups to join with us and be the eyes and ears in these areas.We’ll ask you to report any anecdotes and observations to my email: sclark@cityofsantacruz.com”