Take Back Santa Cruz

Take Back Santa Cruz’s Needles Solutions Team’s Opposition to Application of Harm Reduction of Santa Cruz County to Distribute Syringes Across County

Take Back Santa Cruz’s Needle Solutions Team (NST) has published our opposition to the Harm Reduction Coalition of Santa Cruz County (“HRC”) application to the State of California for a mobile SSP permit for Santa Cruz County. Please see our abstract below and attached full document.

The application is in the middle of the 45-day comment period and TBSC feels that community members should have as much information as possible so they can take advantage of the public comment period should they want to oppose. The deadline for public comment is Monday, January 20, 2020.

Link to petition OPPOSING the application – please sign today!

California State Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS – Director Smith

Take Back Santa Cruz’s Needles Solutions Team hereby submits its opposition to the application of the Harm Reduction Coalition of Santa Cruz County (“HRC”). First, Santa Cruz County already runs a Syringe Services Program (“SSP”); hence there is no need in our county for another program run by non-medical professionals. Next, in the approximately 18 months that it has been operating without certification, the HRC has caused the number of clients seen at the County SSP to plummet, sadly reducing the number of opportunities for people suffering from addiction to receive medical treatment, HIV/Hep testing, and rehab referrals.

The HRC has also caused a substantial, documented increase in the number of discarded needles found in Santa Cruz. Moreover, the HRC’s current and previous application are rife with falsehoods and inaccuracies, including answering “no” to the question “Is there a neighborhood association affiliated with the location(s) of your proposed SEP site(s)?” The HRC and its founder have consistently demonstrated that they have no interest in recognizing and addressing the legitimate concerns of the community regarding needle litter. 

You can voice your opposition also to these contacts:

















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