Take Back Santa Cruz

Crime on the Rise – three driving forces

Addiction, untreated mental health, and the lack of consequences

Here in Santa Cruz crime is on the rise. There are three driving forces; addiction, untreated mental health, and the lack of consequences for repeat offenders.

Treating mental health issues through incarceration is not working. Our jails are not equipped to treat the mentally ill. Untreated these unfortunate folks are rearrested over and over in an endless cycle. We need a true mental health county lock down facility.

With the passing of prop 47 we lost the felony escalation of repeat offenses. The theft of anything valued under $950, including firearms, is classified as a misdemeanor. And no number of repeat offenses results in a felony charge. There are no consequences for repeat offenders to encourage prevention of the crime.

Social services without accountability has created an ecosystem of enablement.

Easy access to heroin and meth have lead to an epidemic of IV drug use. Maintaining a drug habit is expensive and drives property crime and leaves our parks and beaches littered with used needles. We are fighting a heroin epidemic and a mental health crisis disguised as a homeless issue. Not one solution, not one crisis.

What can we do about the rise in crime?

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